Connect with your own wisdom and enhance your well-being

Learn effective techniques and practices that connect you with your own wisdom and well-being so your life, relationships, and state of being feel deeply satisfying.


You are already whole. Even in those moments when you don’t feel that way (because sometimes in our humanness it’s forgotten) … you are ahhmazing already. Overall, life is pretty good. Yet in your bones you yearn to connect more deeply (with yourself, with others, with life), and are ready for a shift: a life where you feel deeply present…one where you feel connected with your body, your rhythms, your wisdom, your heart, and your joy…a life inspired by your most secret inner desires…a life lived with integrity that feels congruent with your whole being...a life, and relationships (with yourself, your community, and this world) of connection, that you enjoy and savor.

This is an invitation for you.

Partner with me to experience 1:1 integrative coaching and hypnosis designed specifically for you and your desires (the ones that are already clear to you and the ones you just might reveal to yourself).


“Even the first session was really powerful. I was worried about how I would make any changes or do anything different because I didn’t have a specific goal I wanted to work on, and didn’t feel like I had something that needed to be fixed.   

Audra helped me identify what was most important to me at the time, and we talked about goals I had been avoiding addressing. I realized there’s a door over there, and it’s not that scary,- I can open that door. She guided me and really empowered me to figure things out myself. Now I have more confidence in my choices and decision-making process. It made it even exciting to look at some things as a challenge, work through them, and gain insights of what I’m going to do next.

I ended up coming to her with all types of things I want to work on, and each time we’ve talked about something different. Audra has that skill to be able to adjust and adapt to each one of them, and it’s easy to talk with her. She has a very comforting presence, and is knowledgeable though not intimidating.

It’s not a cookie cutter type of a process. Audra specialized it, not only for me and my personality but for whatever state I’m in, and each issue.  

My favorite part is the actual step by step techniques and guided imagery. Each time, it’s relaxing and empowering, and I’m surprised by the powerful insights that come up. They’re so helpful and useful.

I really love that feeling of being inside of myself, that trance type state where it's very easy to feel relaxed and focused but then not focused, and that bright state of glowing from my inside out. That feeling of: Oh yeah, I can!

I’d recommend Audra for anybody, especially anybody with anxiety or sleep issues, pain, or who needs to be able to set goals in their life or figure out how to accomplish them.”


“When I met Audra, I was like: Oh, I feel comfortable just saying everything. My favorite part was the relief or comfort, the support at the time when I needed it the most. I think people can share anything with Audra, and it doesn’t matter how embarrassing or fearful, or sad they are. They can bring a lot of heaviness, and it’s not going to be a heavy session. She doesn’t take on the heaviness, and the energy is positive. Audra can adapt, she knows what to do next, and makes it easier to move through whatever’s going on.     

I like the variety of techniques to use, and she’s good at adapting it. I had goals I wasn’t sure were possible and Audra blended all three of them at once as possible, and then I started doing one of them.

A favorite moment was when I was having really low self-esteem at that moment and she asked for permission to set the techniques aside and just talk, and she shared things she noticed about me. I had another coaching call with Audra at one of the worst moments of my life, it was a tough time and she helped shift my perspective and I was able to look at myself from a positive light. I felt calmer and like I could get through it and it was going to be okay.

I’m less worried and more confident, and confidently making decisions.

 I would recommend anybody work with Audra, especially anybody that’s feeling really stressed, overwhelmed, or going through a financial or relationship crisis, or someone who’s wanted to try coaching but was afraid of it.”  


“What an amazing session! In the short time span of under 40 minutes, Audra was able to help me experience the feelings of how I wanted to feel as my future self in one specific area. The big take-a-way? I was experiencing NOW how I wanted to feel THEN. Guess what? I didn’t have to wait. Book with her and gain some insightful tools to change your neurological pathways.”


“Audra has helped me love my job even more, grow my business, get healthier, and feel more aligned as a parent. Every Saturday, I walk away feeling safe and secure in who I am, remembering that I am the most powerful person in my life and feeling comfortable about it. (Because I did not feel comfortable about that before.) …Thank you Audra for helping me see what I need to see every single time.”


Hi! I’m Audra.

About me.

I'm an Integrative Life Coach and Hypnotist, and a Registered Yoga Teacher. I've been working full-time as a Mental Health Registered Nurse for over 15 years, initially trained in Whole Health coaching, and later in integrative life coaching and integrative hypnosis. I'm a multi-passionate person, fascinated by the science and art of integrative modalities, and value the complementary approaches of yoga, meditation, integrative coaching and hypnosis. I enjoy sharing these practices as they effectively connect us with our own wisdom and well-being, and bring a sense of steadiness, ease, and freedom.

I teach practical skills that support our nervous system, embodiment, and change, including self-hypnosis, and I partner with people on what really matters to them so their life, relationships, and state of being feel heart-nourishing and deeply satisfying. 

It is my intention to create space for everyone to show up wholly as they are, and I value approaches that promote curiosity, kindness, authenticity, and connection.

I’ve long been drawn to practices and people that embrace the body, mind, and spirit connection and value the inherent wisdom of the body. I started practicing yoga at the age of 14, have been studying and practicing yoga and meditation of the non-dual Tantric philosophy for over 13 years, and teaching yoga for over 20 years.

These practices of yoga and meditation (and later, coaching and hypnosis) have supported and sustained me during challenging experiences in my life including divorce, my IVF journey, exhaustion with full-time employment and graduate school as a married mother of two little ones, and the loss of my stepson and father.

These practices have also revitalized and inspired me during significant experiences in my life including remarrying (and maintaining a satisfying, loving relationship), co-parenting children, leadership roles, creating a business, creating a sense of spaciousness, re-discovering what brings me joy, and continuing to evolve with my relationship and offerings to the world while simultaneously honoring my own desires and rest.

Integrative coaching, hypnosis, and yoga have transformed my relationship with myself and others, and I appreciate their effectiveness at supporting a sense of connection and well-being. It delights me to share these modalities with others.

I live with my husband, our two kiddos, two dogs, and two cats, in Arizona where I enjoy humor, play, occasional travel, and appreciate slow living and intentional rest. 

I offer 1:1 integrative coaching and hypnosis designed for you.


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